Check this out! "We believe our exciting new charity mall can help your organization raise money for your animal cause, without any cost to you and supporters.
As a proud rescue parent of a 2 year old yellow Labrador, I know first hand the need for fundraising. Our concept is simple, every time you shop online from your favorite online store (PetSmart, Target, Expedia, Amazon), a majority percentage of each commission from a purchase goes to your organization. All at no extra cost to you the consumer.
We believe our system will revolutionize the way America gives, one purchase at a time."
-Kevin DiQuattro , co- founder,
Purchase a TV from
Old: click on -- purchase a TV for $1,000 -- Charity receives $0
New: click on click on your charity/organization
click on banner -- purchase the same TV for $1,000 -- charity receives $30-$50
I will be trying this out. Big thanks to Kevin for bringing this opportunity to our attention. - Viveca