Sunday, August 10, 2008

Dogs and Diabetes

I really don't cover dog health in this blog. There are many others that already do a fine job on that topic. However ... how could I pass up an opportunity to connect you with excellent info on how to prevent diabetes in our best friends?

Diabetes in dogs starts with being overweight, just like us. And we can prevent it so easily, just like in us.

So I will post this post under a few of my favorite labels "Dog Walking," "Pets makes us healthy," and "The Dog Diet!"

Now click here to learn more about how to prevent diabetes in your dog. I bet it will return the favor to your own health and well-being.

Psst. Woof. By the way ... The Dog Captions Friendship Card Packs are available. Visit to order yours today and let your friends know how much and what you really think of them!