Friday, August 31, 2007

I've spent the last two days cleaning the dog and the puppy area at the SPCA and I have two thing to say ...

One. I wish my house - any room in my house - was half as clean as that place.

Two. I am continually amazed at the quality of care, commitment of staff and volunteers and the love that the dogs, puppies, cats and kittens receive at SPCA, Fredericksburg, VA. It is an honor to be a part of it - one of the spokes in the wheel.

Do you volunteer at your SPCA? There are so many ways to help out - it's easy. I've committed to 3 hours of dog walking a week. You could do the same or ... sign up for cat petting, cleaning, helping with special events (bake sales & fund-raisers etc.)

Why don't you give them a call today? Click here for a listing of SPCAs by city and state. Provided by

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

I spent a couple hours in an airport last weekend and did what I love to do most ... browsed in all the bookstores. Ahhhhh.

One of them had a cool collection of dog books so I thought it would be cool to start listing them here as I think of them, or come across them, or get in timely suggestions from you - yes you!

O.k. here goes ...

Old Yeller. Every dog book collection must begin somewhere. If it didn't begin here then it would have to be with Where the Red Fern Grows.

What classic bow wow book would you add in here? Do tell. And, check back in a couple days for more ...

Thursday, August 23, 2007

And this week's favorite dog joke is ...

Terrier + Bulldog = Terribull, a dog that makes awful mistakes

Bloodhound + Labrador = Blabador, a dog that barks incessantly

Collie + Malamute = Commute, a dog that travels to work

Deerhound + Terrier = Derriere, a dog that's true to the end.

DOG JOKES & QUOTES EBOOK: 170+ G-rated dog jokes and quotes, perfect for a dog-lover, your favorite vet, or just for a fewgood laughs. BONUS: Buy the ebook and you also get a compilation of the 50 best websites for dog humor.

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

One of my pups -- figuratively speaking -- got a great home today. I usually don't seem to meet the new "owner." I'm in one day a week so I typically notice the missing face and ask around and hear about the great home, family etc.

Today was special. I got to say goodbye AND congratulations, to both.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

This video is awesome. Finally, something about a real man who really loves his dog. Richard Stone, another real man, and my bro behind the What a Dog Loves photos and commentaries, found this and sent it over to me tonight.


Click here for the Miracle Dog Video. Short and very, very sweet. I'll sleep well tonight.
Last week a man wanted to adopt one of our beloved hounds, Speigle The Beagle.

He wanted to know what I thought about Speigle's leg that had been broken and healed but could be arthritic down the road.

I told him that love is a risk. We can't promise that someone will live for long or be healthy anymore than we can for a dog. But I do know that love withheld is wasted, safe but wasted.

What do you think. Should he take a chance on Speigle? Should he take a chance on Love?

Monday, August 20, 2007 & Loving Your Pet to Health Radio

I came across this way cool Internet radio program today. I love Internet radio 'cause that means I can listen in anytime, 24/7.

Click here to go to the "Holistic Pet Care" page on wsRadio and hear about how to:

Protect Your Pet from Disease
Tips from the Holistic Vet
Food Allergies in Pets
Restore your pet's emotional harmony and balance
Toxicity and your pet

Saturday, August 18, 2007

Finding The Right Vet
Written by Dr. Sherry Weaver

I am now in the process of needing to find a new vet since my last one retired a few months back. I do not like his replacement and neither does my dog, Rosie.

Since I have not had to look for many years, what is the best way to find a new vet and what questions should I ask them? I only want the best for my dog.

Please help. The time for her shots is fast approaching.

Thank you, Becky B.

To read Dr. Sherry's advice, click here

Friday, August 17, 2007

This book is a must read. And ... if you have a story to share about your herioc dog please add it here by clicking on the "Comments" link. Thank you. -Viveca

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Home alone. This drives some dogs, like my Angel, absolutely NUTS.

Here are 3 tips to help curb your pup's separation anxiety:

1. Stuff a Kong toy with dog cookies. Seal it with a thick coat of peanut butter and pass it off to them as you are heading out the door.

According to my dog trainer, keeping them busy for the first ten or so minutes after you leave is critical to helping them relax and not go into the dramatic behaviors that indicate separation anxiety -- whining, pacing, digging (Angle tried to dig her way out of my bedroom), barking, counter surfing ...

2. Be "low key" whenever you greet them in the morn, eve and in between. Do not make a fuss about your coming and goings -- in fact, don't say anything at all when you leave -- just leave. Some people -- mostly women -- go into this high pitched, excited and sympathetic voice that communicates excitement and anxiety. You know what I'm talking about ...

(According to The Dog Whisperer "alpha dogs" come and go without seeking approval or agreement. If you are alpha your pup will be relieved to follow and be a part of your pack.)

3. Add "time outs" and strategic separations into your day. Get your pup used to your coming and goings. Leave them alone in a room for a few minutes ... then five minutes ... then ten minutes ... With this technique you are basically desensitizing them and, with time and patience, eliminating separation anxiety for good.

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

This health tip is for you - yes - YOU!

Some 70 million Americans have trouble sleeping. If you are one of them -- one way to sleep tight is to sweat-a-lot.

According to a study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association, researchers found that people who exercised for 30 to 40 minutes, four times a week, were able to cut the time it took them to fall asleep by an average of 15 minutes.

Well - today I walked dogs for the Humane Society for 2 1/2 hours in 90 degree weather. I plan to sleep tight tonight!

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

John & Leo.

Who's who?

Who adopted who?

Monday, August 13, 2007

Well little Jacky is leavin'. Even Velvet, who has been muzzle bound since his arrival is looking blue. Actually her muzzle is more off than on these days - It is amazing how quickly dogs acclimate to each other. I took the cutest picture of them - will post it a little later today ...

A photo speaks 1,000,000 words. This word is contentment.

Sunday, August 12, 2007

Favorite Dog Quotes
The average dog is a nicer person than the average person.
- Andrew A. Rooney

Saturday, August 11, 2007

The Publicity Hound has a GREAT weekly newsletter with excellent publicity tools, tips and resources. Joan also throws in "Hound Joke of the Week." Enjoy ...

Dogs are better than kids. They eat less, don't ask for money all the time, are trained, usually come when called, never drive your car, don't hang out with drug-using friends, don't smoke or drink, don't worry about whether they have the latest fashions,don't wear your clothes and don't need a gazillion dollars for college. And if they get pregnant, you can sell the pups.

DOG JOKES & QUOTES EBOOK: 170+ G-rated dog jokes and quotes, perfect for a dog-lover, your favorite vet, or just for a few good laughs. BONUS: Buy the ebook and you also get a compilation of the 50 best websites for dog humor.

Friday, August 10, 2007

What's new at Rich Stone Photo? Click here to get a peak at Kalili, Friday, Shiner, Roxy and Buckley Blue ... to name a few!

Thursday, August 09, 2007

Here is a canine intelligence test that you can try at home (or on the beach).

Now,no matter what happens we don't love 'em for their brains ... we love them for loving us so much ...

Here goes:

1. Put a treat under a can and see how long it takes them to retrieve it. (Under 15 seconds is very good.)

2. Set up 3 cans and place a treat under 1 while your pet watches. Remove him from the room for a couple minutes then bring him back in. Does he go straight to the cans and pick out the right one?

3. How many commands, hand signals and noises does your dog respond to? More that 200 means you have a "super pet." (I don't think I respond to more than 200!)

- This test was developed by researches Stanley Coren, PhD, at the University of British Columbia.

Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Got a notice from Banfield That Pet Hospital I told you about ... said that my bank draft hadn't gone through and I needed to get it fixed to stay in "good standing."

Yikes! I am all over that because this is what $300 some dollars covers in a year:

* Unlimited FREE office calls and physical exams
* 2 comprehensive physical exams per year (which includes lab tests and analysis). This is where they detected that Velvet has Lyme Disease.
* Savings of 50% off the regular price for the services provided
* Discounts on ALL hospital services not covered by the Wellness Plans. (Soon she will be in for a long overdue dental cleaning.)

I don't know what your plan is for your pets health care. Mine used to be the basic, knee jerk reaction i.e. keeping up sort of with vaccinations and running to the Vet for emergencies. (Twice last year because of wasp stings - paid $100 per visit just for that.) If this is you I recommend you check them out and get on a plan. You'll save LOTS of money AND worry.

for the nearest hospital call 1-800-768-8858

Tuesday, August 07, 2007

I was just reading about how Jann Arden recorded a special version of her song "Saved" to raise money for the ASPCA so I checked out the lyrics. Your turn ...

Lived a good life

Lived a sweet live

Oh, I've had the sun on my face

I had fallen to my knees and been amazed

I have walked beneath the brilliance of a perfect sky

Oh I am Saved


Lived a good life

Lived a sweet life

Oh I have a beautiful friend

I am breathless from the mercy of a smile

I am standing on the brink of the most perfect love

Oh I am Saved


I am Saved

I believe I am not going to be like I was

I have changed

I am Saved

I have bitten off the pieces that I did not want

I have torn them into tiny bits of rain

Oh the sun has dried those memories

like I knew it would

Oh I am Saved

I am Saved

I am Saved



I am Saved

Oh I am Saved

I have bitten off the pieces that I did not want

I have bitten off the pieces that I did not want

Yes, I have bitten off the pieces that I did not want

Oh, I am Oh I am Saved

I am Saved

Thursday, August 02, 2007

"When a dog runs at you, whistle for him."

- Henry David Thoreau

Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Fun in the Summer Sun: Health Tips from Banfield, The Pet Hospital.

1. Make sure your pet doesn't get overexerted. Exercise is important BUT don't over heat your pet. Walk in the shade when possible, walk at a gentle pace and take a break under a shady tree if you notice excessive panting, drooling, weakness or brick red gums.

2. Provide plenty of water. Keep that water bowl full in fact you may want to put down an extra bowl and leave nothing to chance.

3. Sun lotion is good for you ... and don't forget your Pets. Pets get sunburned too! (I didn't know that.) Talk to your vet or groomer about how short to cut their fur in the summer.

4. Bring your Pet inside. When the heat goes up you need to bring your pet in ... Dark pets can overheat quickly as their coats absorb the sun's rays. Pugs and bulldogs have a hard time staying cool because they can pant efficiently; Overweight pets are also more prone to overheating. Unsure what to do? Err on the safe, vs. sorry side and invite them in ...

5. Watch out for heatstroke! This is a medical emergency. Signs are: exaggerated panting; brick red gums; unresponsive to commands and surroundings; staring/anxious expression; high fever; rapid heartbeat; vomiting; collapse; warm/dry skin.

6. NEVER leave your Pet in your automobile. On an 83-degree day the temp inside your car can reach 102 degrees in ONLY 10 minutes and 120 degrees in 30 minutes. Leave your Pet home.

7. If it is too hot for you to sit in the bed of your truck it is TOO hot for your Pet. Leave 'em home where it is cooler, where there is water and comfort. Don't leave your Pet in a situation where you wouldn't put yourself or someone you Loved.

- adapted from "Fun in the Summer Sun: A Client Handout" from Banfield, The Pet Hospital